Welcome to Year 4

Welcome to the Year 4 Class Page!

This year, your teachers are:

Mount Kanchenjunga - Mrs Murphy

Mount Olympus - Mrs Park

Useful Information:

PE: Our P.E is on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Our P.E scheme has changed so there is no set day for indoor/outdoor P.E. Please ensure your child has appropriate kit for both at all times (label all of your belongings!).

Reading: Please read at least 4 times a week and record this in your diaries. We will be checking diaries regularly, so please bring them into school daily. If you read 4 times per week, your name will go into a class and whole school weekly raffle, where you have the chance to win a prize.

Homework: This will be set and checked each Friday. There will be an English or Maths task and then your weekly spellings and times table focus.

Times Tables: There will be a Year 4 National Times Table check at the end of the year. We have weekly written times tables test where you can work your way through and improve week by week. Weekly TTRockstars battles are set between classes - get battling!

Year 4 Autumn 1 Overview:

October 2024


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