Year 4 production

Performance time!

In year 4, we are busy rehearsing for our end of term production - The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse. At the moment, we are learning the words to the numerous songs we will be performing. Below is a link where you can find the music and lyrics for all the songs, should any of the children wish to practise at home.


This week, we sent the children home with details of what their role in the play is and what they need to have for the basis of their costume. Please can we ask that these items are brought into school by Friday 6th December in a named carrier bag.

Over the next few weeks, we will be starting our dress rehearsals, as well as getting crafty adding extra props and accessories to the costumes.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Park or Mrs Murphy.

Thank you!

January 2025


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