Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.


Maths and English PracticeThis is a fantastic free resource and covers both Maths and English. Children can click on their school year and then explore different areas of learning. When children answer a question it tells them if they're correct or incorrect, and will provide a short explanation of the correct method/answer in the event that a wrong answer has been given.


TopmarksThis is a fantastic site that provides activities for all curriculum subjects, not just Maths. Children can choose a subject, choose Key Stage 2, and then explore the different areas of learning. Within the Maths, there is lots of choice so children can target very specific areas at a level that is appropriate to their year group.


SupermoversThe BBC Supermovers webpage has a number of videos linked to different areas of the curriculum e.g. Maths, English. The videos are brilliant because they involve children dancing and singing along with the presenter. They're a good way to get some exercise and learn at the same time.
NewsroundGood for children's cultural capital.
BitesizeEvery KS2 subject covered on this site with links to learning in fun ways.

White Rose Maths

Primary SOL and Progression ResourcesIf children/parents click on the area of the curriculum they want to learn about, they are given free access to fluency questions (no answers provided) and reasoning questions (answers are provided).

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